The pool party was a great success! Lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of fun. Thanks to those of you who were able to join us and share your furry friend with everyone.
Annual Pool Party 2018
Our 2018 Pool Party was a great success. Thanks to all who came to the party and to those who helped to organize and run it. Thank you to those of you who purchased some opf our merchandise, and to others who donated to our Annual Appeal. And a special thanks to the folks from Uptown Dog in Falmouth for providing gift bags. Below are some of our pictures of the party.
Our 2017 Pool Party
Our 2017 Pool Party was a great success. We had beautiful weather and a great, enthusiastic crowd. A special thanks to Uptown Dog Cape Cod for the gift bags, and to Falmouth Animal Control Officer Jessica Gow. And to the volunteers who made it a fun and safe experience. And of course to those who attended and donated to our Annual Appeal.